[Schow X carrot]★
(Tchins: ?!) What is this strange combination?!)
It was a two-hour collaboration with two hours of practice and two hours of shooting.
They both look like they've been working together for a month, right? (Shameless) (Shameless)
Carrot, thank you for your hard work in this hot weather.
Thank you so much, Sister Seo for filming. TAT!!!!!!!!!
And I love the girl who sponsored the costume!!! I love you!!!!! S2!!!
Carrot ::
I finally did the girls that I've been thinking of talking about!
I'm afraid I've been carried away by the power of Mr. Suishaw, even though I've been beaten up by the reality and lack of practice: 3c...!
Despite my sister-in-law's random collaboration request,
Thank you again for your welcome!
Please take good care of me:D
@tori_bbak [sshaw] @Karrotifiedkid [carrot]
Team.Unity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIQkff1rdAU @Kotoritachi_0m0
Choreography: SM18553190
Original sound source: SM18280798
Special thanks to. @seobehyun [sister] @leethumb21 [isum]
See Original

Profile Image RaiDiz

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